Dutch auctions available on Kalao Go

Dutch auctions available on kalao Go for projects launching
Dutch auctions help better price discovery and prevent gas wars. NFT creators will be able to utilize Dutch auctions for their NFT drops on Kalao Go, providing them with more choices on how to distribute their NFTs.
Kalao Go
Kalao Go is NFT launchpad that makes releasing your NFT collection easy for you and your community.
They support you from start to finish
- Battle-tested minting smart contracts
- Customizable minting page
- Co-marketing
- Advisory & support, whether NFT pricing, sales mechanics, marketing or something else
The best part?
It’s free
✅No upfront fee
✅No performance fee
Want to launch your NFT project? Contact them on Telegram.
Dutch auctions
The next step is to offer artists more choices for how to distribute their NFTs on the primary market. So far, creators were able to sell NFTs at a fixed price on a first come first served basis, with an optional whitelist, or sell NFTs to the highest bidders. Now they launching Dutch auctions. Dutch auctions start at a high price, which then slowly decreases over time. The price development is determined beforehand as the creator sets
a) a starting price
b) a price decrease by amount x every y minutes
c) a reserve price
Additionally, creators may provide their own payment mechanism. Buyers will get a refund if it is triggered for the difference between the amount they paid and the closing price (lowest price). Therefore, every customer pays the same, fair price.
Dutch auctions, if designed well, prevent gas wars and enable price discovery where creators rather than speculators capture buyers’ willingness-to-pay.
About Kalao
Kalao is an NFT and Metaverse ecosystem built on Avalanche. Thier product suite includes an NFT marketplace, NFT launchpad (Kalao Go), a whitelabel NFT marketplace engine (for example for in-app marketplaces in blockchain games) and a Metaverse experience on PC and in VR (Kalao Vision, Kalao Citadel).