Helium is launching $MOBILE Token

Helium is launching $MOBILE token. Several factors contribute to how many MOBILE a 5G Hotspot will earn over a given period, there are some higher-level concepts, design elements, and rules to keep in mind that will help better explain what you might earn and why.
Mining MOBILE and providing 5G coverage requires a 5G Hotspot and one or more compatible CBRS Small Cell Radios. These components can be purchased as a bundle or separately. All 5G Hotspots must be online and registered in the SAS (Spectrum Access System) maintained by the FCC to earn MOBILE rewards.
More than one Small Cell Radio can connect to a single 5G Hotspot to create a larger 5G coverage area. 5G Hotspots can support as many Small Cell Radios as would saturate their bandwidth.
Note that connecting more than one Small Cell Radio will require an additional networking switch. Refer to the 5G Hotspot Maker installation guides for specific instructions.
Instructions on installing a CBRS Small Cell Radio and registration with the SAS is provided by the individual 5G Hotspot Makers. As an example, see the FreedomFi installation guides here:
The Small Cell Radio will automatically initialize and acquire a GPS lock. Once that is complete, the Small Cell Radio dashboard appears under the “Radio Dashboard” tab on the local IP address of the 5G Hotspot.
5G Hotspot will appear on explorer.helium.com within 2-4 days, depending on how quickly it is registered in the SAS.
Install Helium Wallet app to manage HNT/MOBILE token.
A 5G Hotspot with an attach and properly register Small Cell Radio will start earning MOBILE automatically once the 5G rewards activate on the Helium Blockchain.
ABOUT Helium
Helium is a global, distributed network of Hotspots that creates public, long-range wireless coverage for LoRaWAN-enabled IoT devices.
Helium Foundation