LEVER Launches Trading on Binance

LEVER Launches Trading on Binance as of 13th July 2022 04:00 UTC, so users can now trade the spot pairs LEVER/USDT, LEVER/BUSD on Binance.
The LEVER (ERC20) token address is:
Token Swap Portal: Swap RAMP for LEVER
Users who are holding ERC20-RAMP tokens on-chain can swap at the following Token Swap Portal:
For users who wish to interact directly with the contract, the token swap contract address is:
- The RAMP to LEVER token swap is one-way only and irrevocable.
- The on-chain token swap takes place on Ethereum only.
- There is no deadline for the token swap to be completed. Users can swap anytime.
72.2% of RAMP Total Supply Burned
Prior to the LEVER trading launch, a direct token swap has been conducted with exchanges, market partners and genesis wallets.
As at time of writing, a total of 721,542,011 RAMP (~72.2% of RAMP total supply) burning into the 0x000..001 address.
Going forward, when users execute a swap via the Token Swap Portal, any RAMP tokens sent into the token swap contract are automatically sending into the 0x000..001 burn address.
This means that RAMP<>LEVER liquidity is always exchanged back-to-back, and there will not be double inventory.
Users can track the progress of the RAMP token swap live here:
About LeverFi
LeverFi offers a unique platform for traders to yield farm, earn and leverage trade in size at the same time. With the broad DeFi revolution inevitable, LeverFi is uniquely offers a market-leading leverage solution to power the rapid growth in DeFi.
About Binance
BNB is the native asset on Binance Chain, a blockchain software system developed by Binance and the community. BNB has multiple forms of utility and powers the Binance Ecosystem as its underlying gas.