Overview of Athos Product Suite

Overview of Athos Product Suite – guide for the main products in the product suite, as well as how interact with them to gain the most out of Athos experience.
Athos Buildr
a. Build $athUSD by staking $ATH and other on-chain assets
Athos Buildr is your entryway to the Athos Product Suite. Users can stake $ATH to build $athUSD, the base currency of the Athos Ecosystem. With $athUSD, users can then gain investment exposure into all products within the ecosystem. Eventually users will also be able to stake other on-chain assets as well once the debt pool is upgraded to multi-collateral.
b. Claim weekly staking rewards in $ATH and a proportion of Athos Exchange trading fees in $athUSD
Users who build $athUSD take on the risk of the debt pool and act as a pooled counter-party against all synthetic asset trades on Athos Finance. Therefore, they are also entitled to weekly staking rewards in $ATH and a portion of Athos Exchange transaction fees, which are claimable as long as their P-ratio is above Target P-ratio at the time of claiming. Eligible users can collect these rewards with the Claim function in Athos Buildr.
c. Burn $athUSD to unstake your $ATH or manage your pledge ratio
Lastly, The burn function comes handy when users want to increase their P-ratio without staking additional assets. They can opt to burn the extra $athUSD instead. If users want to unstake assets from the Buildr to exit the system, they can also burn their $athUSD debt to unlock the collaterals.
Athos Exchange
a. Trade synthetic assets with infinite liquidity and no slippage
b. Manage of all your trading positions under one dashboard
Athos Vault
a. Generate passive income with $athUSD
b. Farm $ATH and other rewards with LP tokens
About Athos Finance
Athos Finance is the first decentralized delta-one asset protocol on Moonbeam. It provides users with on-chain price exposure through synthetic assets with infinite liquidity and no slippage.