Pangolin Launches Sunshine and Rainbows

Pangolin Launches Sunshine and Rainbows, Single-sided stakes and agricultural ponds will both have the Sunshine and Rainbows (SAR) treatment applied to them.
It will operate on the Songbird and Flare Networks. Pangolin Exchange will have a volume of over $16 billion. One-sided staking and farming pools will be the first to use the innovative Sunshine and Rainbows (SAR) algorithm.
Single-sided stakers will obtain higher APRs and an NFT for each game position. Because SAR NFT and APR are tradeable on secondary marketplaces, yield growers may devise new tactics.
Justin Trollip, Pangolin CEO, commented: “One of the things that truly excites me about Sunshine and Rainbows is some of the interesting secondary products that will be built on top of it. Unlike ve tokenomics that can be predatory, these secondary products will provide unique value propositions.”
For DeFi enthusiasts, this is a first-of-its-kind opportunity to earn higher yields for maintaining their single-sided and farming stakes. After launching on Songbird and Flare, Pangolin will expand SAR to other L1s creating benefits to staking and farming across multiple chains.
About Pangolin Exchange
Native to the Avalanche Network, Pangolin is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) that operates across many chains. Pangolin makes swapping simple for projects and trading easy for traders by providing cutting-edge tools, extensive liquidity, and streamlined onboarding.