Politic Wars x LuxPad Partnership

Politic Wars, a blockchain-based 2D multi-platform game is thrilled to announce its partnership with Luxpad, a multi-chain launchpad, create token and NFT in easy way.
Politic Wars is just like all platform shooting games, players would be using their keyboards and mouse to attack each other. It will be available on mobile phones, pc, and consoles.
People can pick one of the many historical leaders world has ever seen, fight against each other and try to be the top scorer. Everyone gets PWS token based on the scores they have after the fight is over. Improve your character, and make it advantageous against other players or bot fighters.
What makes Politic Wars different from others?
The purpose of the game is not to make money alone, the purpose of the game is to have fun, and learn while you are playing. This way, Politic Wars will be teaching people about leaders of the world both currently ruling, and historical ones, while also allowing them to have fun, and earn money all at the same time.
You can easily buy and sell your NFT’s from the NFT Market. NFT’s will be limited and the token will be price-based, thus increasing the value of your NFTs. You can fight and win from any platform you want, whenever you want. The leaders will always be available for you to buy, but not all leaders will be available forever, meaning certain leaders will be more valuable than others based on demand.
Throughout the history of the world, politicians have always made people fight. Politic Wars, by contrast, make politicians fight. People can fight and have fun with the politicians they love and support or even hate, and earn PWS tokens. Enough of the Politicians who earn from the fighting, for once, let the people fight the politicians and this time people will earn instead.
About Luxpad
Luxpad is a decentralized trustless launchpad platform where you can create your ERC-20 and BEP-20 token, NFT smart contract, fair-launch, or presale launchpad without any knowledge of coding using the Luxpad platform. You can do it all here. Launch your presale with Luxpad now. And also the cheapest service fee than other platforms.
About Politic Wars
Politic Wars is an blockchain-based 2D multi-platform game.Just like all platform shooting games, players would be using their keyboards and mouses to attack each other. It will be available on mobile phones, pc, and consoles.
SOURE: https://twitter.com/Politicwars1/status/1561784849173807104?s=20&t=Ncqj2_asGOrIbdgDgaU2-g