SupraOracles partners with Ertha

SupraOracles partners with Ertha, an MMO game with NFT-integrated gameplay. Ertha is building a new Metaverse gameplay where players can explore and be rewarded for their active commitment to their LAND.
Ertha retains the characteristics of a typical Metaverse universe. While creating infinite opportunities for players to explore the vast geopolitical land. Moreso, Ertha enables players to become the creators of their own stories while also accounting for the use of NFT in the new universe. Thus, SupraOracles will allow Ertha to alter the state of NFT characters as they move from one world to another.
SupraOracles’s chain agnostic and decentralized oracle network will facilitate a more secure pathway toward Ertha’s cross-chain integration. Moreso, SupraOracles will enable Ertha to conduct cross-chain asset swaps. Aiding in the growth of Ertha’s NFTs across multiple Layer 1 networks.
As the NFT space continues to expand, NFTs will gather new forms of utility. Ertha is recreating what’s possible in a virtual Metaverse, and we’ll be able to lend a helping hand in ensuring NFT data attribution across multiple networks.”— Joshua D. Tobkin, CEO and Co-founder of SupraOracles
SupraOracles project is supported by seasoned professionals with experience in the architecture of consensus mechanisms, randomness research, real-time data services, investment banking, digital securities, traditional stock exchanges, big data, doctoral academia, big 4 consulting, blockchain/DLT, and DeFi.
ABOUT Ertha Game
Ertha is an MMO 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) game. It has extensive opportunities to satisfy one’s need for curiosity, competitiveness, and social recognition through roleplaying on a vast geopolitical map. With three distinct characters to select from and endless possibilities to alter them, players themselves will be the creators of their own narrative and wealth both in the virtual and real worlds.
ABOUT SupraOracles
SupraOracles strives to bridge the gap between traditional capital markets and the Web3 ecosystem. Its driving mission is to empower the developer community with a novel oracle toolset. They may conveniently create, deploy, and manage data applications with superior performance, robustness, and agility.