Equalizer 4Week Liquidity Incentive Program

Equalizer 4Week Liquidity Incentive Program, there will be 2 options as they start the emissions on their platform. You will have the standard emissions starting at 50,000 EQUAL per week.
Then you will have the 4 week liquidity incentive (28 days). Which encompasses a steady stream of Equal Per Second 0.2583498677 to the LP’s below at the allocated percentage. As Equalizer announced its 4Week Liquidity Incentive Program.
You will receive your entitlement of this steady flow of EQUAL as per the amount of liquidity you have staked in the pool. When you claim your rewards they will then be locked as veEQUAL for the max lock period (26 weeks).
Both Systems Will Run Simultaneously
So this is the fun bit. You will have to choose whether you want to stake on a gauge on the Equalizer dapp and receive native emissions. Or if you want to stake for the 4 week liquidity incentive on their staking platform.
Now a couple of things come from this. The people that want to have the governance and voting power will select the pools with locked veEQUAL. These pools also have about 3x the weekly emissions being distributed.
The second thing is this will enable other whitelisted tokens to be directed emissions over this period, as people fight for governance and vote to direct native emissions on pools outside of the preselected boosted pools.
About Equalizer Finance
Equalizer is being an advanced DEFI protocol, which sits in the “Real Yield” category/narrative. This system is complex and requires the people operating on its platform to have knowledge of its functions and objectives.
One of the most important factors of Equalizer is to reward the veNFT holders with the fees charged on swaps. Having these fees conducive to the ability to hold the adequate liquidity required for efficient swaps, lies within this well aligned fee structure.