Staratlas Introduces Claim Stakes Feature
Star Atlas, the immersive blockchain-based gaming metaverse, introduces a new feature called Claim Stakes that allows players to stake their claim on various space mining sites.
This Claim Stakes feature of StarAtlas move marks a significant step towards expanding the game’s economic system and creating a more realistic and engaging gaming experience for players.
Star Atlas players can gain access to valuable resources in the galaxy by using Claim Stakes. To acquire these Claim Stakes, players can visit the Galactic Marketplace and purchase them. Once purchased, players can enlist these Claim Stakes using the Faction Claims feature in the on/chain app available at This will allow them to stake their claim on specific space mining sites and have exclusive rights to extract resources from those sites, which can be traded within the game or used for crafting new items.
The Faction Claims
The Faction Claims app is the second Star Atlas gameplay feature to be released fully on-chain using the Solana blockchain. The first feature, Faction Fleet, is still available to players and allows them to pledge their ships to provide factional fleet services, earning them ATLAS tokens in return. With the Faction Claims app, players can now stake their claim on space mining sites and extract valuable resources for their faction, adding another layer of gameplay to the immersive blockchain-based gaming metaverse.
Claim Stakes form the basis of planetary gameplay loops in Star Atlas, the blockchain-based gaming metaverse. These physical objects allow players to claim ownership of planetary plots, granting them exclusive rights to extract resources that are available on the planet. Additionally, players can use their Claim Stakes to build infrastructure on the planet, which can help them extract resources more efficiently. This new feature adds a new layer of strategy and gameplay to Star Atlas, as players will have to consider factors such as location, resource availability, and potential competition from other players when staking their claim.
Enlisting a Claim Stake in Faction Claims will reward a player with 4 vital resources (R4) for intergalactic journeys: Food, fuel, ammunition, and toolkits.
This is just the first use case of many that our space travelers will have. So keep an eye out for SAGE news, where your Claim Stakes will be even more critical to your galactic conquest.
Enlisting a Claim Stake
To enlist a Claim, follow these steps:
- Visit
- Connect your wallet
- If you don’t have any Claim Stakes in your wallet, get them in the Galactic Marketplace.
- Head to the Faction Claims tab
- Enlist your Claim
- Accumulate resources over time
Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.