Hathor Labs announces joining forces with Ankr

Hathor Labs is stoked to announce joining forces with Ankr to bring more essential tools to the ecosystem development on Hathor Network.
Join us for a live event next Monday!
On Monday the 12th of April 2021, Yan Martins (CEO Hathor Network) and Eugen Tirlean (Ankr Product Manager) will get together for a Livestream and show how the integration between both platforms works.
About Hathor Network
Hathor Network is a PoW-based novel distributed ledger architecture using both DAG and blockchain data structures intertwined. Our network’s unique design solves significant bottlenecks built with scalability, usability, and decentralization in mind, preventing the broad adoption of the technology.
Hathor Network has been on mainnet since January 2020, experiencing exponential growth in the number of custom tokens, active wallets, and mining hash rate.