SmartDex announce their next two pools for trading and farming in collaboration with AlohaDefi and Graphlinq

Smartdex are very excited to present to you the next two pools that we will launch and that will be available for trading and farming on smartdex.
Both Projects will get listed on Smartdex, on Tuesday the 13th of April.
There will be two pools available, ALOHA/NIOX and GLQ/WETH.
About Graphlinq Protocol
GraphLinq is a set of tools including an IDE & an engine that run simultaneously with multiple blockchains and centralized data stream to offer a service of automatization of a process without coding skill required.
About Aloha DeFi
Aloha is the world’s first decentralized peer to peer mobile WiFi hotspot. Users can earn crypto and NFTs by sharing WiFi. Stakers earn governance rights and a share of the profit. Empowering NFT investors and users alike by guiding us with policy and desicion making.