Avalaunch Community Update

Avalaunch released Community Update about Sale are designed to be whale bot-proof, Planned mechanics in place to reward smaller players, while leveling the playing field, Team, advisory and all vested tokens are prohibited from sale participation and rewards & more.
🔹Platform Pillars
The Avalaunch platform will feature a maximum allocation for each sale, in conjunction with a sybil resistance mechanism (in this case, account verification) to prevent any one single party from gaining large shares of the total amount available. In other words, this platform is designed to be whale-proof. In addition to these safeguards, there are planned mechanics to level the playing field in-between sales, and redistribute wealth back toward smaller players. There is likely nothing else like it in the space. We are engineering an entirely new type of launchpad from the ground up, blending some of the most potent elements of DeFi, with an ethos of fair and broad.
- A maximum allocation for each sale.
- Account verification (KYC) to prevent multiple accounts or bots.
- Planned mechanics in place to reward smaller players.
- Vested tokens cannot be staked.
🔹Incentives and Redistribution
- Team & Advisory tokens are prohibited from sale participation and rewards
- All vested tokens are ineligible for sales and rewards
- Seed vesting has been extended for 6 months
- Ecosystem rewards to begin next week
- Single-sided Staking — Stake XAVA to earn XAVA
- Incentivized liquidity pools (farming)
🔹Supply and Unlocks
Currently, 76.86% of tokens eligible for rewards and sale participation are publicly owned. As unlocks continue and tokens are claimed, we will monitor and apprise in order to ensure that all parties are fairly and equitably represented.
- Currently, allocations and rewards are heavily weighted in favor of the community (76.86%). This, combined with maximum allocations for each sale, should ensure fair participation.
- They expect this gap to close as tokens are claimed
- Ecosystem (6.4m unlocking May 28th) to jump-start rewards/incentives
What is Avalaunch?
Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the long-term goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem.
Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, high-throughput, and low-latency platform, Avalaunch is built by users, for teams, to help grow strong communities.