PureFi (UFI) is now Live on PancakeSwap and Uniswap
$UFI/ETH: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xcDa4e840411C00a614aD9205CAEC807c7458a0E3
$UFI/BNB: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xe2a59D5E33c6540E18aAA46BF98917aC3158Db0D
How to buy tokens on UniSwap:
1️⃣Install MetaMask
💡Go to MetaMask and download and install (in Chrome or FireFox).
💡You’ll see the MetaMask fox icon next to your address bar. Click the icon and MetaMask will open up.
💡Create a New password. Then, write down the Secret Backup Phrase in a safe place. MetaMask will create a new Ethereum address for you.
💡Copy your Metamask wallet address.
💡Buy some Ethereum in your favorite exchange (Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin, etc) and send the $ETH to this address.
💡In your exchange, find the Withdraw option. Select Ethereum. They ask where do you want to send, paste there the Metamask address.
2️⃣Buy On Uniswap
💡Go to Uniswap. Choose ETH up and click Select a token down.
💡Search the token you want to buy. $UFI ETH: 0xcDa4e840411C00a614aD9205CAEC807c7458a0E3
💡Select the amount of $ETH you want to spend and you will see the amount of $UFI you will receive.
💡Click Swap.
💡Metamask will open a new window and ask you for confirmation. Confirm. Then wait until the transaction is completed! Be patient, sometimes it takes a few minutes.
💡If everything is correct, you will see the new coins you bought in the bottom Balance.
How to buy tokens on PancakeSwap:
1️⃣Install MetaMask
💡Go to MetaMask and download and install (in Chrome or FireFox).
💡You’ll see the MetaMask fox icon next to your address bar. Click the icon and MetaMask will open up.
💡Create a New password. Then, write down the Secret Backup Phrase in a safe place. MetaMask will create a new Ethereum address for you.
💡Copy your Metamask wallet address.
💡Buy some Ethereum in your favorite exchange (Coinbase, Binance, Kucoin, etc) and send the $ETH to this address.
💡In your exchange, find the Withdraw option. Select Ethereum. They ask where do you want to send, paste there the Metamask address.
2️⃣Buy On PancakeSwap
💡Go to https://pancakeswap.finance/swap. Choose BNB up and click Select a token down.
💡Search the token you want to buy. $UFI BSC: 0xe2a59D5E33c6540E18aAA46BF98917aC3158Db0D
💡Select the amount of $BNB you want to spend and you will see the amount of $UFI you will receive.
💡Click Swap.
💡Metamask will open a new window and ask you for confirmation. Confirm. Then wait until the transaction is completed! Be patient, sometimes it takes a few minutes.
💡If everything is correct, you will see the new coins you bought in the bottom Balance.
🚀🚀Congrats! Now you are the happy holder of $UFI tokens!