Izumi will be deployed on Polygon to support Uniswap V3 Liquidity Mining

Izumi will be deployed on the Polygon scaling network, on Jan 17th 10pm (UTC-5), to support Uniswap V3 Liquidity Mining on Polygon. Users can simply switch to Polygon from the network selector to use izumi’s LiquidBox there and enjoy low-gas environment of the Polygon chain.
The polygon iZi token address: 0x60D01EC2D5E98Ac51C8B4cF84DfCCE98D527c747
Pool address for trading pair iZi/WETH on Uniswap V3@Polygon: https://bit.ly/34RV8bt
The cross-chain ERC-Polygon transfer of iZi token can be conducted on Jan 17th 7pm (UTC -5) at BoringDAO’s address: https://oportal.boringdao.com/twoway
Izumi’s LiquidBox will launch new joint liquidity Mining program USDT/USDC Pool on Polygon with Yin Finance on Jan 17th 10pm (UTC-5). The farming rewards will be $iZi+$YIN+ transaction fee, In total 720,000 $iZi & 90,000 $Yin will be provided for the pool and last for the first cycle. Provide liquidity to earn extra Rewards!
After the launch of USDT/USDC pool, izumi is planning on continually launching more pools such as iZi/WETH and joint liquidity mining program pools, please stay tuned for our official announcements.
If you are new to izumi LiquidBox’s fixed-range and one-sided liquidity Mining, please refer to here for detailed info.
Polygon is only the first step. Izumi’s team is also planning to deploy on more layer-2 and pubic blockchains to enbale multi-chain “Programable Liquidity as a Serivce” for any blockchain project. Please stay tuned for upcoming announcements!
About izumi Finance
izumi Finance is the first protocol to support Uniswap V3 “non-homogeneous” liquidity mining and extend concentrated liquidity service for multi-chains. izumi provides “Liquidity as a Service” (LaaS) based on Uniswap V3, with innovatively designed liquidity mining modules of “Concentrated liquidity mining” model for stable assets with a fixed price and “One-sided non-impermanent loss Mining” model for non-stable tokens. These structured models would support any blockchain project to better implement liquidity incentives with much higher capital efficiency and enable liquidity providers to earn extra rewards.