Knit Finance is Thrilled to Announce Partnership with Umbrella Network

Knit Finance is Thrilled to Announce Partnership with Umbrella Network
KNit Finance is thrilled to announce partnership with Umbrella Network, a decentralized oracle for dApps to get data across different blockchains, at the lowest price, for 1800+ data pairs, with the most frequently updated data. Other products include — Bridge, Options Pricing Data, Staking Portal, and more. Umbrella Network uses its technology to enable massively scalable, cost effective, and secure access to outside data for blockchain developers.
Key Highlights
- Umbrella Network will support KnitFinance k-Assets in their Oracle data feeds which can be used for various purposes.
- Umbrella network will provide price feed, yield feed data on ETH, BSC, Polygon Previously Matic and Avalanche for Knit Finance.
- KFT-USD price is now supported as Layer-2 Data on Umbrella Network Oracle.
- Umbrella network users can take their wrapped kAssets and create options to stake, lend, borrow and margin trade across multiple chains through Knit Finance.
- Knit finance will help Umbrella Network for collaboration with new projects in its early phase
- Umbrella Network users will have options to trade in more network chains in future when Knit Finance adds more network chains.
- Umbrella network users will have more options to get benefit for staking in the form of k-Assets in the insured custodian model.
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