Kommunitas Upcoming IKO with Creo Engine!

Kommunitas is proud to hold its IKO with Creo Engine!
IKO Details
Last Staking Date: 26th April 2022, 3 AM UTC
Booster 1
Start: 26th April 2022, 9 AM UTC
End: 26th April 2022, 1 PM UTC
Price: $0.040
Booster 2
Start: 26th April 2022, 1 PM UTC
End: 26th April 2022, 5 PM UTC
Price: $0.040
FCFS Round
Start: 26th April 2022, 5 PM UTC
End: 26th April 2022, 9 PM UTC
Price: $0.043
Min Buy / Max Buy: TBD 1 hour before FCFS starts
Token Details
Token Type: BSC
Token Symbol: CREO
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Initial Market Cap: $242,000
Contract Address: 0x0364e3691b8dFBb213e4E897d5A0DD0C622D672f
Vesting: 10% TGE, linear unlock over 6 months
How To Participate?
Stake KOM at staking.kommunitas.net or read more details here
About Creo Engine
Creo Engine aims to serve developers and users of blockchain games under its ecosystem, creating a water-tight marketplace where everyone can trade and sell their assets and bring people better welfare, all in the name of blockchain gaming. Creo Engine is a gaming platform where developers can launch their own games to Creo Engine user base. Creo Engine also has an in-house game studio and has developed four games where NFTs in each game are interchangeable between games. Player can trade or sell their NFTs in the fully secured marketplace.
About Kommunitas
Kommunitas is a decentralized and tier-less Launchpad. Kommunitas is the solution for Multi Chain oriented projects. Kommunitas welcomes project from various blockchain like Polygon, BSC, Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana, etc.