QTUM Upcoming Hard Fork

QTUM upcoming hard fork is approaching. With only 10 days to complete the mandatory update of Qtum Core wallets for the hard fork on July 31st. All users of the Qtum Core Wallet should update to version 22.1 as soon as possible.
The Qtum Mainnet hard fork will take place at block 2,080,512, at approximately 8:40 pm GMT on July 31st (which may be on August 1st, depending on your time zone). The precise block height can be observed at https://qtum.info/
Users of the Qtum Core Wallet, or operating the Qtum Core Wallet as a node or blockchain interface, must update to version 22.1 (https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/releases) as soon as possible, then the new features for Taproot and everyone will be automatically activated at block #2,080,512.
This mandatory update only applies to the Qtum Core Wallet, not any other types of Qtum wallets.
This update will add Taproot/Schnorr signatures, a new Ethereum Virtual Machine evmone, and bug fixes. See the release notes at https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/releases/tag/v22.0
If users of the Qtum Core Wallet fail to update to version 22.1 before the hard fork they will temporarily lose control of their coins, and staking wallets will not receive mainnet block rewards.
The Qtum blockchain dedicates to developing an open-source ecosystem. Differentiate itself from others that resemble BTC or ETH. With the help of an implemented Value Transfer Protocol (VTP), it aims to build a dApp platform. Bring blockchain technologies to different businesses and sectors like financial services, supply chain management, gaming, social media, and others.
QTUM is the native token of the blockchain and is use to pay for executing smart contracts
Qtum is a cryptocurrency that combines Ethereum’s smart contract functionality. With the security of Bitcoin’s unspent transaction output model (UTXO) to create a platform that is suitable for adoption by large organizations.