MEEET Raised $30M Seed Round

Published on: 18.04.2023
MEEET Raised $30M Seed Round

MEEET is thrilled to announce that they have successfully raised an estimated $30 million dollars from investors, led by GSR Ventures and Initiate Capital.

GSR Ventures and Initiate Capital are likely prominent venture capital firms that specialize in funding early-stage startups. Their involvement in MEEET’s seed round could be seen as a positive sign for the company’s potential success, as these firms are known for their ability to identify promising investment opportunities.

MEEET has successfully secured significant funding from notable investors, which could help the company to continue developing its products and services and ultimately achieve its goals.

The purpose of a seed round of financing, such as the one completed by MEEET, is to raise capital to support the development and growth of a startup company. In this case, MEEET is likely using the funding to further develop its products and services. Expand its team, invest in marketing and sales efforts, and possibly explore new markets or opportunities.

Seed funding is typically used to cover early-stage expenses such as research and development, product design, and market testing. By raising this capital, MEEET can fund its operations and continue to grow its business. Which can lead to attracting additional investment and ultimately bringing its products and services to market.

For investors, seed funding provides an opportunity to invest in a company at an early stage. And potentially reap significant financial returns if the company is successful in the long term. Therefore, seed funding is a critical stage for startups, as it provides the necessary resources. To turn their ideas into reality and lay the foundation for future growth.



MEEET is a Web3 Farm Game with inbuilt Game-Fi and Social-Fi elements. Players with NFT farmers can complete tasks by planting, harvesting, feeding animals, processing products in factories and selling products to earn currency. This currency can either be used in-game or cashed out for profit.

Players can gather their friends and form a guild. Typically, the more friends you have, the faster you can complete tasks, which means you can earn tokens more easily.

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