OAK Team Has Completed The 2nd Milestone
OAK team has completed the 2nd milestone and submitted for review a Quadratic Funding pallet for Polkadot.
The goal of the grant is to implement Quadratic Funding, a common short name for CLR ( Constrained Liberal Radicalism algorithm ). The CLR is a crowdfund matching mechanism for public goods such as open source projects, and has been widely adopted by Gitcoin on Ethereum.
The open source code of the Quadratic Funding pallet is available on Github
( https://github.com/OAK-Foundation/quadratic-funding-pallet )
About OAK Blockchain
OAK(Onchain Autonomous Framework) is a unique blockchain built on Substrate framework with event-driven smart contract VM, autonomous transactions, and on-chain scheduler.
About Polkadot
Polkadot is an open-source network protocol that allows arbitrary data – not just tokens – to be transferred across blockchains. It’s built to connect private and consortium chains, public and permission less networks, oracles, and future technologies that are yet to be created.