Penguin Karts x Stumble Upon Partnership!
Penguin Karts always looking to build up the community and find complimentary partnerships in the Play-to-Earn gaming space, and so they’re incredibly excited to announce their partnership with Stumble Upon Rumble.
What makes SuR stand out are its Player-to-Player wagering possibilities on the 100% skill-based fights as well as their unique partner integrations, making it the playground for communities all across crypto.
Through this partnership Penguin Karts will work together to extend the reach of its communities, share best practices and experiences on game development to help further each projects progress in this exciting new space.
And who know, maybe they’ll have more news about other collaborations between their games soon…
About Stumble Upon Rumble
Stumble Upon Rumble is a Free-to-Play Play-to-Earn arcade-style battle game coming to the Blockchain, with 100% skill based fights and accessible game mechanics.
About Penguin Karts
As a first of it’s kind battle-racing Play-to-Earn game, Penguin Karts aims to reinvent the blockchain gaming experience for users of all ages looking to earn crypto. Players can start earning immediately, whether through skilled gameplay, wagers, contributions to the ecosystem or by collecting and trading their playable NFTs.