Other News
Crypto and the Metaverse: How Blockchain is Shaping Virtual Worlds! In recent years, the intersection of blockchain technology and virtual worlds has heralded a new era of innovation and...
Cryptocurrency and Privacy! In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency, the delicate balance between transparency and anonymity has become a focal point of discussion. As the digital...
The Role of Blockchain in Enhancing Cybersecurity! In today’s digital age, cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, posing significant challenges to individuals,...
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Revolutionizing GameFi: The Power of Fantom Opera Chain The rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology continues to push boundaries, and GameFi stands at the forefront of this...
Transforming Digital Assets: The Future of NFTs in the Marketplace Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have revolutionized the way we perceive and trade digital assets. Unlike traditional...
Unlocking Liquidity: Liquid Staking with BNB Liquid staking with Binance Coin (BNB) is transforming the staking landscape by offering users the ability to stake their assets while...
The BNBChain Airdrop Alliance Program is revolutionizing the way crypto enthusiasts engage with the blockchain ecosystem. This innovative initiative, launched by BNBChain, aims to foster...
The Fantom ecosystem is rapidly emerging as a powerhouse in the blockchain space, known for its high-speed transaction, scalability, and innovative infrastructure. Fantom’s unique...
The convergence of Web3 and artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize the gaming industry, creating unprecedented levels of interactivity, personalization, and immersion. Web3,...
The concept of the metaverse, a virtual shared space combining elements of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), presents both exciting opportunities and unique challenges for...
In the digital age, where personal data is increasingly vulnerable to breaches and misuse, technologies that prioritize online privacy and security are crucial. Polygon ID emerges as a...
The rise of the metaverse has brought forth a fascinating evolution in how we perceive and interact with digital identities. In this virtual realm, identities are intricate amalgamations of...
The concept of the metaverse, a virtual shared space merging physical and digital realities, is rapidly reshaping social interactions in ways previously unimaginable. This transformative...
In recent years, decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN) have emerged as a transformative technology, particularly gaining traction on Polygon, a leading blockchain platform...
In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, decentralized governance has emerged as a crucial aspect of ensuring transparency, efficiency, and community participation in...
The decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape is rapidly evolving, offering unprecedented opportunities for financial inclusion and innovation. However, with these opportunities come...
As decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to grow, the demand for efficient, secure, and scalable solutions has never been higher. A significant aspect of this evolution is the development...
Market Stats:
BTC Dominance: 53.53%(+0.16%/24h)
ETH Dominance: 17.85%(-0.08%/24h)
Defi Market Cap: $87.13B(-29.38%/24h)
Total Market Cap: $2275.38B(-0.26%/24h)
Total Trading Volume 24h: $60.02B(-30.32%/24h)
ETH Market Cap: $406.6B
Defi to ETH Ratio: 21.43%
Defi Dominance: 3.63%
Altcoin Market Cap: $1057.3B
Altcoin Volume 24h: $35.55B
Total Cryptocurrencies: 30405
Active Cryptocurrencies: 10117
Active Market Pairs: 83898
Active Exchanges: 784
Total Exchanges: 8754
BTC: 61760.04$(-0.04%/1H)
ETH: 3379.87$(-0.28%/1H)
AVAX: 25.98$(-0.6%/1H)
BNB: 574.78$(-0.09%/1H)
MATIC: 0.56$(-0.47%/1H)
FTM: 0.57$(-0.55%/1H)
ADA: 0.39$(-0.11%/1H)
DOT: 5.91$(-0.38%/1H)
UNI: 9.37$(-0.62%/1H)
CAKE: 2.16$(-0.4%/1H)
SUSHI: 0.84$(0.13%/1H)
ONE: 0.02$(-0.35%/1H)