Shiden Secures Parachain Slot On Kusama

They are thrilled to announce that Shiden has successfully completed its crowdloan and shiden secures its parachain slot on Kusama. They are thankful to users and everyone who contributed and the community for the continued support.
This parachain slot allows Shiden to keep on innovating and developing all of the networks. Figuratively speaking, Shiden is Astars canary chain. Astars technical updates and initiatives are first implemented on Shiden, once the protocols are found to be stable and secure it then rolls out to Astar Network.
Shiden is for innovation and speed, it is an important factor in keeping the networks ahead of the competition. The speed at which we can implement changes on Shiden allows for quick innovation, experimentation and early-stage development.
About Shiden/ Astar Network
Astar Network is the #1 TVL Smart Contract Hub for WASM + EVM on Polkadot. Since winning its Parachain auction in January 2022. Astar Network has become the top Parachain in the Polkadot ecosystem in Total Value Locked and most Ethereum assets transferred over. The leading smart contract hub that connects the Polkadot ecosystem to Ethereum, Cosmos, and all major layer 1 blockchains. Astar Network supports dApps using multiple virtual machines — namely WASM and EVM — and offers the best technology solutions and financial incentives via its Build2Earn and Astar Incubation Program for Web3 developers to build on top of a secure, scalable, and interoperable blockchain.
About Kusama
Kusama is a public pre-production environment for Polkadot, one that allows any developer to experiment and test new blockchains or applications before releasing them on this network.
Mimics most of Polkadot’s major design features. For example, Kusama uses two types of blockchains – a main network, called a relay chain, where transactions are permanent, and user-generated networks, called parachains.