AVAX New Token Added to Roobee Finance

AVAX New Token Added to Roobee Finance, a new token category ‘Blockchain’ and the first token that they included is Avalanche (AVAX).
Roobee finance users can interact with six blockchains: Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic, and Arbitrum. All you need to do is just to connect your wallet to Roobee.Finance and select the desired network.
AVAX New Token Added to Roobee Finance, Avalanche is an open-source protocol that allows the creation and deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) and enterprise blockchain systems in a single, interoperable environment. It handles global finance’s massive size and has quick transaction speeds.
Roobee strives to establish partnerships with market leaders in order to provide their users with top-quality service only.
You can already find AVAX in the ‘Blockchain’ category as well as read the info in the product’s card to learn more about Avalanche.
About Roobee
Roobee brings forward a blockchain-based investment software platform that takes advantage of transparent records and Artificial Intelligence (AI). New financial products including cryptocurrency, investment funds, IPOs, stocks, real estate, and more.
About Avalanche
Avalanche network is the blockchain industry’s quickest smart contracts platform digital asset. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, echo-friendly Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche.
SOURCE: https://medium.com/roobee-invest/avax-is-already-available-on-roobee-finance-5f17c89b6717