Ferrum Network Has Integrates Product Suite With Moonriver
Ferrum will be bringing their suite of white label products and services to the Moonriver ecosystem! This includes their Cross-Chain Token Bridge and Staking as a Service solutions.
Ferrum has integrated the Moonriver blockchain with our suite of white label products, including our Cross-Chain Token Bridge and our Staking as a Service solutions. Projects building on Moonriver will now have access to these products. We also aim to help grow the Moonriver ecosystem through the Iron Alliance — our vast network of incubated and partner projects. Ferrum will be referring projects to Moonriver and to Moonbeam Foundation’s developer support program to encourage building on Moonriver.
Furthermore, inherent to their product suite are bi-products that will encourage TVL on the network (via our Staking as a Service solutions), more composable assets and liquidity being ported to Moonriver (via the Cross-Chain Token Bridge), and a vision for future iterations of these products that will create deflationary mechanisms (via Reflection Staking) and further TVL (via Cross-Chain Aggregator).
About Moonriver
Moonriver is a parachain on Kusama that provides a seamless environment for teams that are most familiar with the Ethereum technology stack. Like its sister network, Moonbeam, the Moonriver smart contract platform capabilities feature unmatched Ethereum compatibility that goes beyond basic EVM support, simplifying the process to build an application on Kusama.
By mirroring Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, and more, Moonriver minimizes the changes required to run existing Solidity smart contracts on the network. Ethereum projects can simply replicate their DApp and deploy it to Moonbeam using Hardhat, Truffle, Remix, and other popular deployment tools.
About Ferrum Network
Ferrum Network is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform designed for cross-chain interoperability and high-speed transactions in a user-friendly, intuitive service. The Ferrum product line includes several features, including a fiat gateway, a crypto exchange, crypto custody, an integrated wallet, risk-free over-the-counter (OTC) trading, and peer-to-peer payments.