Community in Decentralized virtual worlds.

Decentralized virtual worlds offer us the chance to be who we want, and to create the society we want to live in — which is why at Boson Protocol they are proud to be part of the Decentraland community
A familiar theme in storytelling is the human ability to escape into a different world, where the limitations of our physical reality do not apply. For centuries, authors and later film directors used the trope of the dreamworld, where we could conjure up an alternate reality where we could have all the material possessions we desired, and be exactly who we wanted to be.
Then, in the second half of the last century, writers such as William Gibson and Neal Stephenson presented the idea of a shared virtual reality — Cyberspace or the Metaverse — where we could interact with others with an identity of our own choosing.
Another 6 million VR headsets are forecast to be sold this year, massively increasing the reach of full virtual reality platforms — and the growth of shared digital experiences is paving the way for a huge change in the way we interact with each other.
The digital version of ourselves that we project on Zoom or Instagram is often edited and curated. Unlike the physical world, we can apply filters and blur or change our background so that other people cannot see our untidy house or the wrinkles around our eyes. We can even buy haute couture digital outfits to show the rest of the world a highly curated and glamorous image.