PIVX and Autonio are bringing ongoing Swarm Campaigns.

Autonio Foundation is happy to announce that it is deepening its relationship with PIVX to bring ongoing Swarm campaigns to both their communities.
Since the first campaign on Binance was a major success, with over 3 Million USD generated volume over 14 days, it was the logical next step to expand these campaigns.
What is Swarm?
Swarm is Autonio’s liquidity mining protocol and infrastructure for crowdsourced liquidity, built on Polygon. This leading-edge tool incorporates a marketplace-based approach to market maker compensation, leveraging competitive dynamics to align rewards earned by market makers with the risks they bear in different market regimes
About PIVX
Protected Instant Verified Transaction (PIVX) is a decentralized cryptocurrency project, governed by a community driven decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). It has been designed, engineered, and tested using advanced cryptography protocol to provide, first and foremost, user Financial Data Protection.
About Autonio
Autonio Foundation is a decentralized autonomous organization built around developing accessible, easy to use and affordable trading tools and services for the DeFi ecosystem. Autonio is building a prosperous community around algorithmic trading by democratizing access to intelligent automated trading tools and infrastructure. These tools make it easier for crypto traders to conduct trading analysis, deploy trading algorithms, exchange crypto currencies, sell their strategies and pool funds for trading purposes, all with profitability, security and ease.