BonFi Now Available on PancakeSwap.

BNF token on BSC
The BNF token was initially minted on the Ethereum network and has since been ERC-20 standard. With their release of the BSC interoperability module on the BonFi platform, the BNF token can now be swapped on a 1:1 basis between the ETH and BSC network and vice versa. Token swapping allows token holders the flexibility and versatility they need to engage with the BNF token on Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain.
PancakeSwap trading
$BNF token is currently available on PancakeSwap. PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows traders to trade cryptocurrencies and tokens without a centralized intermediary, keeping custody of tokens with the owner at all times. It is built on automated smart contracts deployed on Binance Smart Chain, the blockchain platform run by crypto exchange Binance.
About BonFi
BonFi is a multilayered open finance liquidity mining service platform complemented by the AI-powered BonVest, a professional cryptocurrency liquidity mining solution. It expands the DeFi financial product offering by combining smart contract staking and a managed cryptocurrency liquidity pool to achieve sustainable benefits for users.