Golem major release – Beta III is out now!

This major release comes with a number of components, first and foremost is Yagna v0.8.0. In addition, Golem has updated and made significant improvements to the Yagna Python API, Yapapi, to support Virtual Private Networks (VPN) between the requestor and provider Virtual Machines and support for custom usage counters. There’s new content and expanded developer resources available in the Golem handbook, both in the form of examples and extra information to help developers get started to build on Golem.
As you might have noticed, they are creating building blocks for more sophisticated applications to run on the network. With the Beta I, it was quite basic where we weren’t able to yet run services on the provider machines. That was changed with the Beta II and now we go the next logical step further with that for the Beta III where we can now use those services in a more flexible manner and providers are now able to communicate with one another.