Today Alpha Finance Lab has deployed Alpha Homora V2 on Avalanche, DeFi’s first leveraged yield farming product. Since launching Alpha Homora in October 2020, the product has reached significant user adoption and become a go-to protocol for DeFi. Through a number of unique and useful functionalities built-in to Alpha Homora V2, the new product further establishes itself as the go-to leveraged yield farming/leveraged liquidity providing protocol in DeFi.
With this launch on Avalanche, Alpha Homora V2 will break the gas fee obstacles for many users that can be much cheaper than on the other networks. With almost 900M TVL already on Alpha Homora V2, users will find plenty of opportunity for unique trading possibilities and liquidity in the market.
About Alpha Finance Lab
Alpha Finance Lab is a DeFi Lab, and on a mission to build Alpha Universe. Alpha Universe includes the Alpha ecosystem, which consists of Alpha products that interoperate to maximize returns while minimizing risks for users, and other ecosystems incubated through the Alpha Launchpad incubator program.
Alpha Homora is Alpha Finance Lab’s first product and DeFi’s first leveraged yield farming product that also captures the market gap in lending, one of the key pillars of the financial system.
About Avalanche
Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality, and has the most validators securing its activity of any proof-of-stake protocol. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and green. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche.